Using The Rear Brake
Perhaps the control that is most often misused on a motorcycle, the rear brake can be utilized in a variety of situations to surprisingly good effect. Ask any group how much they use the rear binder, and you'll get the whole spectrum of answers; from old-school riders that use only the rear brake, to some that won't touch it no matter what. Proper use for everyday riding lies somewhere in between those two extremes. But for a control that has very little effect on actually stopping the motorcycle, the rear brake can be used in subtle (and maybe surprising) ways to your advantage.
Now add the front brake to the equation. You'll notice that the more front brake you use, the less effective-and harder to control-the rear brake is. It will lock up easier as weight transfer unloads the rear wheel. Some racers avoid using the rear binder on the track; they use so much front brake that the rear wheel is in the air, rendering the rear brake ineffective. In a basic stopping situation on the street, you want to use mostly the front brake with some rear. Using the rear brake, even slightly, will help to lower the center of gravity, adding stability to the situation and letting you brake harder in a panic stop. If the situation allows, touching the rear brake a half-second before the front will settle things more. Experiment to find what works best and is comfortable for you to execute with confidence.
Now for the subtleties. Say you find yourself in a sweeping turn with a bit too much speed, or the corner tightens up slightly. Chopping the throttle and using the front brake will load up the front end, possibly overpowering tire traction and causing a crash. But in this situation, holding the throttle steady and applying a small amount of rear brake can scrub off just enough speed and actually help to tighten your line. The rear brake is much better at modulating your speed than the throttle and/or front brake; with the clutch out and the throttle steady, you'll find that you've got a surprising amount of control with the pedal alone. This is especially effective on a downhill turn, where keeping even slight maintenance throttle will have the bike accelerating. The rear brake will easily keep this in check while letting you stay on the throttle to avoid overloading the front tire.Bagikan
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